Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Crisis Is Right Around The Corner...

"Wow--Not the most positive way to start a blog, there, Vawny..." K, but listen--I'm concerned--truly concerned about you. I know, I know--of course I make money as a personal trainer and Beachbody Fitness Coach. Nevertheless, I do this because it's my passion. Let me fill you in on a just two of the biggest reasons that I do this for a living with such fervor. Two out of three of my brothers were born with severe heart defects, something called Tetralogy of Fallot. I won't go into the technicalities, but suffice it to say that I was somehow blessed enough to have missed out on that lovely little anomaly. From the time I can remember, I watched them suffer the undesirable consequences of HAVING NO CHOICE in the matter. And without going into great detail and boring you with my childhood memories, I have never forgotten the drastic differences between us, in terms of lifestyle options. I was an active kid--swimming all day, all summer long. Gymnastics was an absolute joy in my life. I didn't have to worry about heart surgeries, heart attacks, turning blue and passing out from walking to far or too fast. I didn't have to face my own mortality from early childhood on, but I had to face theirs, and it broke my heart.

A little while ago, I was informed that a much younger cousin just went through emergency heart surgery due to the severe blockage of a main artery to his heart. This cousin was born a robust healthy baby and stayed that way. His only issue now, the need for a healthier lifestyle. Thank God he's OK and has the opportunity to turn it around--he has a lovely wife and children--not everyone's so lucky.

Please, Please hear me! I'm not kidding about this stuff! Your health is EVERYTHING! You may not be cognizant of that at the moment--not until you have to be. Do you really wanna wait for that? Take it from one who's witnessed another's heart surgeries; YOU DON'T WANT TO GO THERE! I can help you and I will go to great lengths to do so--if you are only willing to try. It's not too late to get healthy and live happy the rest of your long life! You deserve that and so do your loved ones. Join me in my quest to change the world's health!

Wanna get fit and make money? What could be better motivation? CLICK HERE!

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